Friday 23 August 2019

The Tougher years are the better years. Coping with Crohns and now Fibromyalgia

This time last year I was broken mentally. Right before my son turned one. I had spent so much time trapped in a dark mind.  Out of nowhere I had suddenly hit rock bottom  and my self worth was reduced to nothing.  Somehow, I pulled myself through after months of self care, exercise, mindfulness, and meditation and an excellent career opportunity. I really changed my whole life around. Even did the transformation hairstyle to go with my new life.

 Then just  as luck was going my way  my body physically broke down. Medication stopped working, i was facing a second auto immune disease. I was in and out of doctors and specialist appointments not knowing if I could work again, drive again and complete normal daily routine tasks without large amounts of pain. It was terrifying. All I had for a while was my mind. I thought to myself well lucky me my strongest asset is still there. My mental health. Time and time again family members and friends ( blessed to have amazing people around me ) would ask..  “hows your mental health with all that’s going on.”I would happily say it’s actually ok. Instead of the usual irishism of “oh yeah I’m grand" when really that’s further from the truth.
Heres how I got through it .

1) I was allowed the time to appreciate what I do have - a very healthy happy son.
I now have two autoimmune diseases but Its not terminal, I have a roof over my head and a food in the press.  Supportive friends and family.
Be grateful and not resentful.
2) Take time to practice daily mindfulness – for me this is reciting in my mind the points pointed out in number one. When you do this daily you can find hundreds of things to be grateful for.
3) Gave myself goals. Today I’ll drive to my own doctors appointment. Next week I’ll drive 30mins  to collect my son, the week after ill drive every other day. Sometimes I achieved my goals and other days The pain was so bad I couldn’t move.
4) Adjust my exercise- gentle walks even if it’s for five minutes a day. Yoga again even if it’s only for ten minutes. Still not back in the gym but baby steps
5) Listen to your body, if it hurts then stop, similarly listen to your mind  if you’re going to a dark place do something that makes you happy, for me having ice cream with my son or getting out in nature was free brain rewards that oozed out all the serotonin.
6) Alternative medicines – CBD oil has changed my life.
7) Finally acceptance – I’ll get unwell again l, bad things will happen to me and those I love. I cant change any of that all I can do is change the way that makes me feel.

Along with working with different medical teams we’ve gotten the go ahead to go back to work in the coming weeks. Im driving more

and I’ve started swimming with my son. I keep practicing all my mindfulness and meditation. I still have bad days and negative emotions all the time but now I respond to them . I’m still on the mend physically and will always be on the mend mentally. My toughest year ( so far ) has been overall my best year.


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